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Closed Captioning Policy

Closed captioning is designed to assist deaf or hearing-impaired people, English Language Learners, young children learning to read and many others by displaying the dialogue or transcript of the audio portion of the program as printed words on the television screen.

All programming provided by Idaho Public Television complies with the closed captioning requirements established by the Federal Communications Commission as embodied in 47 C.F.R. § 79.1, including regulations concerning closed captioning quality. Programming provided by PBS complies with these regulations by either: (i) satisfying the caption quality standards set forth in 47 C.F.R. § 79.1(j)(2); (ii) adopting and following the "Video Programmer Best Practices" set forth in 47 C.F.R. § 79.1(k)(1); or (iii) being subject to one or more of the captioning exemptions set forth in 47 C.F.R. § 79.1(d), including programming for which the audio is in a language other than English or Spanish and that is not scripted programming that can be captioned using the "electronic news room" technique; interstitial material, promotional announcements, and public service announcements that are 10 minutes or less in duration; and/or programming that consists primarily of non-vocal music.

Report an issue with Closed Captioning

To report an issue with closed captioning, such as closed captioning suddenly stopping or becoming garbled during a captioned program. Fill out the Form Below, Call or Mail.


(208) 373-7220 (Boise area) or
(800) 543-6868 (outside Boise area)


Idaho Public Television
1455 N Orchard St
Boise, ID 83706-2239