For the latest information on House, Senate and committee meeting times and agendas please visit the Idaho Legislature’s page.

Senate Hearing Rooms
House Hearing Rooms
JFAC Hearing Room
Senate Chambers
House Chambers
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Contact and Media Requests
For technical assistance with the live stream or media file requests please contact Idaho in Session by email at idahoinsession@idahoptv.org.
Digital Media Archives
File downloads of the Legislature's standing committee meetings and floor sessions are available at the Idaho Legislature Media Archive site.
Many non-Legislative meetings are archived indefinitely and available for personal/educational use. Find them on the Idaho in Session Archive page.
Idaho in Session is a collaborative effort among Idaho Public Television, the Legislative Services Office, the Idaho Legislature and the Idaho Department of Administration.
View live statewide broadcast coverage of the Idaho Legislature on Idaho Public Television's Create (House) and World (Senate) channels. Find your local station for live broadcast.
Idaho Reports
For more coverage of the Idaho Legislature and government, visit Idaho Reports.