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Crafting a Living

We honor those who use their artistic vision and craftsmanship to make unique creations. Master bladesmith Bill Burke forges various steel alloys to create high-performance Damascus knives that are remarkably strong and beautiful.

Mixed-media artist Ashley Delonas uses her hunting skills to track down antler sheds for her creations. The abandoned crowns from moose, elk and deer find new life in her hands as she builds a story with crystals and stained glass between the tines of bone.

Cary Schwarz built his first custom saddle when he was just 19, and today his hand-crafted saddles are widely revered for their durability and intricate artistic designs.

Join us as we meet Idahoans who use their imaginations to craft a living.

Crafting a Living

We honor those who use their artistic vision to make unique creations.
