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Ohio Connection to Hemingway in Idaho

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Ernest Hemingway never lived in Ohio, but an Ohio University alumnus lived in Idaho and became involved in the effort to preserve Hemingway’s legacy. Van Gordon Sauter, former president of CBS News and Fox News, will be part of a virtual screening and panel discussion hosted by Ohio’s WOUB Public Media, in partnership with Idaho Public Television.

Ohio Connection to Hemingway in Idaho Panel Discussion
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Hemingway: A Film by Ken Burns Free Virtual Event


We hope you were able to join us on March 2 for Conversations on Hemingway: Hemingway and the Natural World. If you missed it or would like to see it again, visit

National Sponsors

Corporate funding for HEMINGWAY was provided by Bank of America. Major funding was provided by the Annenberg Foundation, The Arthur Vining Davis Foundations, and by ‘The Better Angels Society,’ and its members John & Leslie McQuown, the Elizabeth Ruth Wallace Living Trust, John & Catherine Debs, the Fullerton Family Charitable Fund, the Kissick Family Foundation, Gail M. Elden, Gilchrist & Amy Berg, Robert & Beverly Grappone, Mauree Jane & Mark Perry; and by the Corporation for Public Broadcasting and PBS.

Local Sponsors

Support for our local broadcast is provided by the Idaho Humanities Council and Delta Dental of Idaho

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Idaho Experience: Idaho's Hemingway

Idaho Experience: Idaho's Hemingway Free Virtual Event

Idaho's Hemingway Free Virtual Event

Thank you to all who attended on March 25. We hope you enjoyed the discussion! To view a recording of the discussion, please click here

Idaho Experience: Idaho’s Hemingway Sponsors

Broadcast support for Idaho Experience: Idaho’s Hemingway is provided by Idaho Central Credit Union and Perpetua Resources of Idaho.


Idaho Experience Local Production Funders

Major funding for Idaho Experience is provided by the J.A. and Kathryn Albertson Family Foundation. Additional funding is provided by Anne Voillequé and Louise Nelson, Judy and Steve Meyer, the Richard K. and Shirley S. Hemingway Foundation, the Friends of Idaho Public Television, the Friends of Idaho Public Television Endowment and the Corporation for Public Broadcasting.

Additional Resources

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