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Lewis & Clark Quiz

If you're an expert on the Lewis & Clark Expedition... or just learning... you should find something of interest in this Quiz, prepared by Don Riley of the Idaho State Historical Museum. Take a moment to test your knowledge.

Click question to reveal the answer

    Missouri River

    Lemhi Shoshone


    Naya Nuki

    Bird Woman

    Toussaint Charbonneau


    Rattlesnake's rattle

    Jean Baptiste

    Three small rivers that joined to make the Missouri

    Beaver-head Rock

    Jefferson River

    Lewis, Drouillard, Shields and McNeal

    Tab-ba-bone, Tab-ba-bone, Tab-ba-bone

    Vermilion (Red)


    Lemhi Shoshone

    Berries, roots and fish




    Cameahwait, The One Who Never Walks

    Pot, pans, knives and steel arrow points


    The mysterious air rifle



    Old Toby

    Mountain goat



    5 miles

    Lost Trail Pass


    Bitterroot Range

    Travelers' Rest

    11 days

    8 pounds

    Cottonwood branches and bark

    Buck saws and hatchest

    Nez Perce

    Camas roots and salmon


    "Do them no harm."

    Twisted Hair



    Over 1,300 miles

    Branded all the horses and cut their foretops.

    Canoes made at canoe camp

    March 23, 1806

    Pvt. Bratton

    Until after the expedition reached the Nez Perce in June


    Needed horses to continue

    Salmon and dogs

    They stole many items of trade goods

    Chopunnish (Nez Perce)

    Snake and Clearwater Rivers

    Twisted Hair

    Hot steam baths

    The middle of July

    June 15

    They sent the two men back to the Nez Perce with the promise of guns and horses when they reached Travelers Rest.

    Leave as much baggage as possible and head back to a lower elevation where there was ample grass and game

    Drouillard and Shannon returned with three Indian guides

    July 2

    Yo-Me-Kol-Lick, meaning Grizzly Bear Hunter-a man of great courage.

    Disappeared in Montana on the way East

    The three-plus weeks of portage at the Great Falls in Montana and the struggle crossing the Lolo Trail

    At the headwaters of the Missouri up-stream from the Beaverhead and west of Dilton, Montana


Funding for “Moments in Time” was provided by the Laura Moore Cunningham Foundation. Additional funding was provided by the National Center for Outreach and the J.A. & Kathryn Albertson Foundation Education Fund in the Idaho Community Foundation