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Memorials and Honorariums

Memorials and Honorariums

The Friends of Idaho Public Television gratefully accepts donations made in memory or honor of a special friend or loved one. Gifts of any size help support the mission of Idaho Public Television – encouraging lifelong learning, connecting communities and enriching lives – now and into the future.

Idaho Public Television will send you an acknowledgement of your donation. The honoree (or family member/estate representative of the individual in whose memory the gift was made) will receive a personalized notification of your gift.

To make a memorial or honorary gift, simply write a check to "Friends of Idaho Public Television" and mail it to: Friends of Idaho Public Television, P.O. Box 4, Boise, ID 83707-0004. Along with your check, be sure to include a note containing the honoree's name and the contact information of the person you would like to be notified of your gift.

You may also contact Donor Services directly or make a memorial or honorary gift online.

If you would like to name Idaho Public Television as a recipient of memorial gifts in an obituary of a family member who has recently passed, simply add to the obituary that memorial gifts may be made to The Friends of Idaho Public Television in their honor, and let us know so that we can notify you of memorial gifts made in their name.

Give With Confidence

Idaho Public Television has earned the highest possible rating, four stars, from Charity Navigator, America's largest independent evaluator of nonprofit organizations, and the highest score for transparency from Guidestar/Candid, a Platinum Seal. These ratings demonstrate fiscal excellence and a commitment to accountability and transparency.

Friends of Idaho Public Television
Filer image
Charity Navigator 4 star logo
Donor Bill of Rights