Foundations and Grants
Our Mission
Grants and charitable gifts from private, family and corporate foundations are accepted by the Friends of Idaho Public Television, Inc., a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. While general operating and unrestricted gifts are always appreciated, many of IdahoPTV’s mission-based projects, programs and initiatives align with many foundation goals such as: early childhood education; literacy; community and family engagement; history, arts and culture; STEAM; workforce development; Idaho history; conservation; statewide, regional and local impact; underserved communities; classroom and educator enrichment; and local production support.
The Friends of Idaho Public Television is recognized by independent watchdog organizations Candid (formerly GuideStar) and Charity Navigator for consistently meeting the highest professional standards of operational excellence, efficiency, transparency and accountability. Funders can be confident that their investment through a foundation grant will be used for the good work and purposes intended.
What's IdahoPTV's Mission? We Tell Idaho's Stories.
Public Recognition for Supporting IdahoPTV
You're in Good Company
Significant private contributions are critically needed to support IdahoPTV’s local production efforts that Tell Idaho’s Stories. Annual gifts of $5,000 or more and multi-year gift pledges can receive on-air and online acknowledgement messages within or around locally produced series such as Outdoor Idaho, Idaho Experience, Science Trek, and Idaho Reports. Share your organization’s message of support and community impact with a charitable investment in the mission of Idaho Public Television.
The Friends of Idaho Public Television gratefully acknowledges these private and corporation foundations for their commitment to the mission of IdahoPTV through charitable contributions.
Contact Us
Jenifer Johnson, Director of Charitable Giving
(208) 373-7313
Laura Hull, Grants Manager
(208) 373-7337
Give With Confidence
Idaho Public Television has earned the highest possible rating, four stars, from Charity Navigator, America's largest independent evaluator of nonprofit organizations, and the highest score for transparency from Guidestar/Candid, a Platinum Seal. These ratings demonstrate fiscal excellence and a commitment to accountability and transparency.